Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things (IoT) solutions have proven beneficial in nearly every industry, facilitating the creation of new businesses and increasing efficiency. IoT solutions have assisted in securely connecting devices, managing tasks, analyzing opportunities, and transferring information.

The Internet of Things is rapidly changing the way the world does business. Very collaborates with engineering leaders and innovators to create custom smart product solutions that address their most challenging strategic challenges.

• Smart Parking System and traffic controlling systems
• Smart Fire Extinguishers.
• Flood Alert Sensors
• Home Energy Monitoring and Control
• Smart Door Locks
• Concrete Infrastructure Monitoring
• Shipping container and logistics tracking.
• Wearable health monitors.
• Elderly Care Monitoring
• Retail Analytics
• Connected appliances.
• Smart home security systems.
• Autonomous farming equipment.
• Wearable health monitors.
• Elderly Care Monitoring
• Bike Helmet Crash Sensors
• Smart Smoke Detectors
• Air Quality Sensors
• Soil monitoring